This tool is best known for its anti-virus capabilities and malware scanning, with the ability to detect and treat both Mac and Windows infections. What is the best malware cleaner for mac?ĬlamXav is another highly recommended tool, that is specialized on cleaning Mac OS X malware and other type of infections. Open the Uninstaller tab in the left menu, select “Super Mac Cleaner”, “”, “Searchitnow”, “Weknow” and click Uninstall.
You can uninstall Super Mac Cleaner from Mac Sierra, Mac High Sierra and Mac Mojave with the CleanMyMac uninstaller. Go to the Library Folder and find and remove all files related to CleanMyMac.
You can also go to Launchpad → drag and drop CleanMyMac icon to the Trash bin.
Go to Finder → Application folder → Find CleanMyMac → Open context menu → Select Move to Trash or use Command + Delete shortcut. Frequently Asked Questions How can i find and delete clean my mac?